Monday, December 13, 2010

The Idea Potting Soil For Anthuriums

If you wish to grow vibrant anthurium flowers, choosing the correct planting medium is critical. Select a bad planting mix and your plant may possibly develop slowly, stop generating blooms, or perhaps worse, it may even die. To select the most effective potting soil, first you need to learn more about where anthuriums live within their native habitat.

Anthuriums come from South America; they grow within verdant, tropical jungles, primarily on the trunks of trees or inside the canopy of the forest, though some do live on the forest floor. Why do the majority grow on trees?

They live on trees simply because it permits them to receive loads of water through rain and fog, whilst still being exposed to drying breezes. They're weird plants because they like water, yet continuous exposure to moisture can easily kill them. By growing in trees, their roots are generally kept out of standing water and are able to dry somewhat just before the next rainfall.

When selecting a potting mix you need to retain this in mind. Most out of the box planting mixes hold on to too much water. So if you use these types of mixes your anthurium will probably have a short unpleasant life as it slowly drowns from excessive water. What generally happens is the surplus water obstructs oxygen away from the roots and it enables anaerobic bacteria and fungi to grow. These types of bacteria then begin assaulting your plant and bring about root rot.

To prevent this, you'll want to make your own soil blend. Your potting blend need to drain well and it ought to be light and loose to keep your anthurium healthy. To produce the ideal planting mixture, use 5 parts miracle grow moisture control potting soil, two parts peat moss, 2 parts orchid planting media and 1 part perlite. Blend this together nicely and then pot your plants inside it. This blend successful because it empties well and comes closest to approximating the natural habitat of anthurium plants.

1 comment:

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