Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Grow And Care For Anthurium Flowers

You'll find two principal kinds of anthurium plants that are grown commercially: one is grown for its leaves while the other is cultivated for its flowers. Virtually all of the anthuriums marketed as houseplants are of the flowering persuasion and their flowers can be found in a huge range of colours.

The first step in raising these types of plants would be to determine if you could supply them with the proper cultivation environment. They prefer indirect light, warm temperatures as well as a higher level of dampness. When you can meet these conditions, you will find that anthurium care is easy.

Once you've got decided that you are able to provide the correct setting, you need to make certain that your plants have perfect growing conditions. Choose a potting soil that drains well; this is the number one condition to steering clear of root rot. Next, make sure that the potting mix your plant is growing in stays moist, but be certain that it is never over-saturated with water. It is also useful to mist your plant occasionally. Every year, in the early spring, give your plant a pellet or liquid plant food to support fresh growth of its leaves.

Do not concern yourself with re-potting your plant unless it actually seems like it's too large for its container. It can handle growing in a somewhat small pot. But when it's time to re-pot make certain you employ a planting medium that stores moisture whilst draining effectively. In Hawaii, anthuriums are cultivated in volcanic cinder that drains fairly quickly. But it is possible to use virtually any mix which includes a fair amount of perlite.

You are able to also use re-potting as an opportunity to propagate your plant, given that it has grown sufficiently large. You can cut the plant in two several inches above the potting mix, whilst making sure that the top has many bundles of leaves and roots. Then plant the cutting in a new container so that it can keep growing. Keep watering the base of the plant and it will sprout new shoots too.